1. Aim

The aim of the BBMA Sponsorship Scheme is to encourage individuals to become more engaged with Bluegrass music in the UK. This can be achieved either through introducing individuals to Bluegrass music or by helping them to enhance their playing ability.

2. Sponsorship

The BBMA Sponsorship Scheme will fund all, or some, of the tuition costs of an individual who attends a Bluegrass instrument/voice instruction class. This can be at a music school ( eg. for a week or weekend ), regular lessons with a recognised music teacher, or regular on-line lessons with a recognised music teacher. The funding of regular lessons will need to be reviewed annually.
Sponsorships for the Easter Sorefingers need to be completed before Dec 1st

3. Eligibility

Individuals must be BBMA members to qualify for support from the scheme. In most cases the individuals who receive sponsorship from the scheme will be in Full-Time Education.. However, other applicants will be considered if they can demonstrate a commitment to Bluegrass music and the need for funding to advance their ability. If you are not a member yet, visit Join the BBMA for details of how to join us.

4. Application

Written, or e-mail, applications for funding should be submitted to the BBMA Committee Member responsible for the Sponsorship Scheme a minimum of six weeks before the funding is required. The application should contain information about the intended course, the cost of the course, and a brief statement on why this training will enhance the student’s abilty and involvement with Bluegrass music in the UK. You can download this form to use as a template.

Please email your application to education@britishbluegrass.org.

Applications will be reviewed by the BBMA Committee Member responsible for the Sponsorship Scheme and qualifying applications will then require approval by a majority of the BBMA Committee.

5. Follow Up

Sponsored students should submit a short report to the BBMA Committee at end of their course stating how their chosen course of study has developed their musical ability and interest. And why they would recommend (or not) that course for other students.

6. Reports

A regular Sponsorship report should be submitted to the BBMA committee.. A summary of BBMA sponsorship activity should be presented at the BBMA AGM.